acupuncture can assist in freezing embryos

freezing embryos

Freezing embryos is increasingly popular among women aged 25-40 to preserve reproductive potential. Chinese medicine highlights changes in the reproductive cycle every 7 years. Peak fertility occurs between 21 and 30 years old, with good embryo quality and ample reserves. Age affects embryo quality and reproductive reserves with older women have higher risks of miscarriages and chromosomal abnormalities. Decline in embryo quality starts at 30 years old and accelerates after 35 years old. Therefore, storing healthy young embryos early is something to consider. This proactive approach mitigates age-related fertility decline and increases chances of successful conception later on.

In my clinical practice, I have helped numerous patients seeking to freeze their eggs.  Their objectives was to increase the number of embryos that are viable for future use.  In this respect, acupuncture and herbal medicine can play a vital role in assisting with this process.

How can acupuncture and Chinese medicine plays a part in this?

Acupuncture and herbal medicine can bring more blood flow to the ovaries and uterus. This increased blood flow can have a positive impact on the quality of the embryos. By nourishing these reproductive organs, acupuncture and herbal medicine help create an optimal environment for embryo development. The enhanced blood flow contributes to improved hormone regulation and ovarian function, all of which are crucial for successful embryo collection. Through their combined effects, acupuncture and herbal medicine offer a holistic approach to fertility enhancement, promoting a higher chance of successful embryo collection.

What do you look at or target during treatments?

Three main Organs that help reproductive functions in Chinese medicine are Liver, Spleen and Kidneys.  These three Organs supports each of their individual functions.  In a nutshell,

  • The Liver acts as a traffic controller, directing and regulating the flow of energy throughout the body. It plays a crucial role in determining where this vital energy, known as Qi, should go. However, when stress starts to creep in, it can take a toll on the Liver's ability to facilitate the smooth movement of Qi. This can have a cascading effect on various bodily functions. One area that can be particularly affected is reproductive health. The proper flow of Qi is vital for optimal blood circulation to the reproductive organs, ensuring they receive the necessary support for the production of good quality and quantity of embryos. Unfortunately, stress disrupts this flow, inhibiting the passage of blood and impairing reproductive function.

  • In addition to reproductive health, stress can also hinder the smooth flow of Qi to the digestive system, which is primarily regulated by the Spleen. The Spleen plays a vital role in breaking down and absorbing nutrients from food, allowing the body to properly nourish itself. However, when stress interferes with the flow of Qi to the digestive system, it can disrupt this vital function, leading to digestive issues and imbalances. Therefore, it's crucial to address and manage stress levels to ensure the optimal functioning of the Liver and its role in directing the flow of Qi throughout the body. By doing so, we can help maintain a harmonious balance within the reproductive and digestive systems, promoting overall well-being and vitality.

  • The Kidneys, known as our vital storehouse, play a fundamental role in preserving and harnessing our inherited vitality from our parents. Moreover, they rely on the Spleen for transforming and transporting essential nutrients throughout the body. With this combined effort, the Kidneys are able to provide us with that much-needed surge of energy when it matters most, especially as we face the inevitable effects of aging. However, it is crucial to be mindful of lifestyles that can exhaust this valuable storehouse. Balancing and managing stressful lifestyles and prioritizing rest, are all vital to preserving the integrity of our Kidney storehouse. Failing to do so may result in a depletion of this energy reservoir, thereby compromising the Kidneys' ability to support the production of healthy embryos.

How can acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help restore these Organs?

Acupuncture and herbal medicine can assist in

  • Moderating and reducing stress – calm the Liver to promote smooth flow of Qi and Blood to the ovaries and uterus

  • Optimise the digestive and gut function – strengthen the Spleen function for the transformation and transportation of vital nutrients to the reproductive organs

  • Strengthening and fortifying the storehouse – improve the function of the Kidneys Qi to assist in the production of good quality embryos

How long is a course of treatment?

Ideally, three months acupuncture sessions are recommended to have a bigger impact on the quantity and quality of the embryos.  This allows the time to enhance, rectify and rejuvenate areas that may obstruct the chances of getting good quality embryos. 

However, if you have only a month left before you start your egg collection journey, acupuncture can have some influence on it.  In this instant, frequent sessions are recommended to boost the body’s function and to address other factors such as stress, sleep, digestion and gut, etc.

Where do I go from here?

At Eastential Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Melbourne, I support women throughout their fertility journeys. I can provide personalized treatment plans using acupuncture and herbal medicine to optimize the chances of successful embryo freezing. If you're considering freezing your embryos or have any concerns about your fertility, I encourage you to reach out to our clinic for a consultation. Simply BOOK ONLINE and we will take it from there.

Stages of Acne

acne with acupuncture and chinese medicine

All of us have in one form or another have encounter acne.  Let’s break it down by stages

Acne at 12 to 20

Acne usually starts at puberty.  The surging and fluctuation of hormones becomes a bane of any teenager’s life.  Types of acne ranges from a few pimples during, before or after the menstrual cycle to deep cystic, angry acne on the forehead, cheeks, jawline, neck and/or on the back and shoulders.  At this stage of acne, most common prescription from your doctor would be to go on the pill or Roaccutane.  The pill is used as a band-aid solution to hormonal acne, painful periods, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), severe premenstrual syndromes and etc.  This is also a stressful period for young boys with surging testosterone hormones that can affect their confidence and emotional well-being. As age progresses, the severity of it usually starts declining.  However, some will persist until adulthood. 

Acne at 20-35

Those that were blessed with clear skin throughout their teenage years then suddenly, acne starts popping out in adulthood are due to fluctuation of hormones caused by stress, lifestyle and diet.  Another type of acne that I commonly see in the stage is women with PCOS.  This type of acne are a continuation from puberty where menstrual cycles are irregular that had not been diagnosed until later stage into adulthood.  In addition, women at this stage are thinking of coming off the pill for fertility purposes or a decision to address issues of hormonal changes that affected you in your teens such as hormonal acne, irregular cycles, painful periods, severe premenstrual syndrome, endometriosis and etc. Coming off the pill may cause the hormones to fluctuate as there is no longer a controlled mechanism derived from the pill. The body often revert back to where it was before you started on the pill. As mentioned before, the pill is often a band-aid solution.

Acne at 45+

This stage of acne is commonly seen in women that are peri-menopause.  In addition to typical peri-menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, day/night sweats, irregular cycles, weight gain, insomnia etc, acne and dry skin may be present.  This is caused by increase in luteinising hormones which increases androgen levels.  In addition, stress and poor lifestyle choices may be a contribution to late onset acne.

What is common amongst the stages of acne is the fluctuation of hormones.  This fluctuation can be due to the imbalances of hormones during teenage years, gyneacological problems (PCOS, Endometriosis etc), stress, emotional challenges, lifestyle and diet.  In Chinese medicine, we look at the body holistically in terms of Yin and Yang.  Yin provides softness and cools the body down and Yang provides energy and warmth to the body.  This delicate balance can often be displaced due to factors outlined above.  Can Chinese medicine and acupuncture re-balance this?  Absolutely!

Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture can reduce and manage the symptoms and the root cause of acne .  In essence, acne from Chinese medicine perspective is caused by Heat or Damp Heat.  The source of Heat or Damp Heat can arise from hormonal imbalances, emotional factors, stress, poor diet of spicy, deep fried, greasy foods, sugar and etc. Organs that affects acne are Lungs, Stomach, Large Intestines, Small Intestines and Conception vessels.  To determine what may cause the breakout of acne, a detailed consultation is carried out.  From my clinical experience, each person presented with acne have different diagnosis and treatment.  Therefore, the treatment is tailored towards your constitution and overall state of your body and health.  To find out how I can help you reduce and manage your flare ups, BOOK ONLINE for a consultation to begin your journey in rectifying the root cause of your acne.


Chilblains with acupuncture and chinese medicine

As the cold temperature sets in, chilblains is a common symptom of the skin that affects people with poor circulation and exposure to cold temperature.  It often affects people that are sedentary for a long period of time, usually occurs in women and children and, those with poor circulation to the hands and feet.  Chilblains is an inflammatory skin lesions that will disappear when the weather warms up but may occur the following winter again.

Common places are finger and toes but can also occur on the face and ears.  It looks swollen, feels cold to touch and, the skin changes to white as you put pressure on it. Once the pressure is released, the skin will resume to pink-purple-brownish to deep violet purples patches.  Chilblains can be itchy and slightly painful caused by the inflammation and swelling and, it may cause blisters which can rupture and ulcerate in severe cases.

The good news is, chilblains can be treated with good outcomes with acupuncture, moxibustion and Chinese herbal medicine.  Chilblains is often not limiting and can be resolved quite quickly within three to six weeks of treatments.  My advice for those that suffers from chilblains is to keep yourself as warm as possible with good socks, coat, hat and gloves when you are out and about.  Try to keep your feet warm and invest in good quality woolen socks (double socks if you must).  In addition, if you have a weak constitution and suffers from chronic illnesses, consume diet rich in proteins (a nice slow cooked beef and lamb stew is perfect for winter conditions) and always consume your food warm.  Avoid any cold foods (smoothies, cold salads, raw foods) and beverages.  On top of that, continue to move and exercise to circulate the blood flow to limbs.

If you find that you need some help in managing your chilblains and are struggling to keep it at bay, please BOOK ONLINE for a consultation today.

Vaginal thrush, candida and yeast infection

vaginal thrush, candidiasis, yeast infectioin

Normal vaginal discharge should begin a few days before ovulation than is tapered off a few days after ovulation.  Discharge normally starts out as a thick white sticky mucous gradually transforming into transparent egg white stringy mucous which indicates peak of ovulation.  Then is turns white again and the amount begins to reduce and stops after a few days.

If you continually have discharge throughout your cycle and experience some of these symptoms below, you may have vaginal thrush, which is also called candidiasis or yeast infection. General symptoms of vaginal thrush are

  • The discharge may look like cottage cheese to sticky and watery or may sometimes smell fishy

  • Colour of the discharge is a variation from white to off white, yellow and sometimes green. 

  • Constant bloating, poor digestive function and low energy levels. 

  • Pain and discomfort during intercourse

  • A burning or stinging sensation during urination

In Chinese medicine this suggest that the body is unable to transform and metabolise the fluids correctly leading to excessive fluids and damp build up in the body. When the body is unable to shift this damp that is over producing, it starts to discharge downwards. This function can be hampered due to constitutional, multiple course of antibiotics, stress, and over consumption of cold drinks and foods.  Intake of diary and sugar are also a to this condition.

In my clinical practice, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine have a long term benefits in clearing and rectifying these imbalance in the body that cause vaginal thrush/candidiasis/yeast infection.  The course of treatment normally takes between three to six months depending on the severity of the condition.  If you would like to find out how I can help you with this condition, BOOK ONLINE for a consultation.

Menopause - A Chinese Medicine Perspective


Menopause - a word synonymous with for those reaching fifty. You may have heard awful stories or have witness your aunties or mothers going through this dreadful phase of womanhood.  Symptoms of menopause does not occur straightaway but rather it gradually and subtly increases over time.  There may be occasional hot flushes and night sweats, headaches or migraines that you never used to have, irregular cycles with heavy to light flow, harder to shift the weight, insomnia etc.  These minor changes are often an indication that the body and hormones are beginning to change and shift.  During this phase, it is classified as peri-menopause where there are still regular or occasional menstrual bleed with the added symptoms.  Menopause is defined as the cessation of menstrual bleed for over a year. However, symptoms of menopause can persist for up to three to five years or more.


Hot flushes, vaginal dryness, night and/or day time sweats, insomnia, migraines, anxiety, hair loss, weight gain, mental fog, fatigue and etc

Chinese medicine perspective/cause

Menopause is a natural progression of womanhood.  As we age, Kidney Jing which constitute both Yin and Yang decreases.  Kidney Jing is our source of vitality/reserve.  Depending on your lifestyle, diet, constitution and emotional factors, the reserves of Kidney Jing is there to assist you throughout your journey in life.  If you are burning both ends of the candle with high stress, have poor diet and lifestyle, not looking after yourself after multiple childbirths, etc, your reserve can be used up to help sustain the body to survive.  When you tap into this reserve at an early stage of your life, this can cause an imbalance and disharmony oh both Yin and Yang of Organs that supports the smooth transition into menopause. Can Chinese medicine and acupuncture reverse this process?  The answer is no.  What we can do is to preserve whatever reserve (Kidney Jing) you have left and manage the symptoms via acupuncture and herbal medicine.  This also includes changing lifestyle, diet and addressing emotional factors.


Treatment consist of acupuncture and herbal medicine.  The acupuncture protocol and herbal strategy depends on the signs and symptoms of your menopause.  Treatment may take up to at a year or two to manage and reduce the symptoms.  In my clinical experience, the more severe the symptoms, the longer the treatment will take.  I often find patients that get successful results (3-6 months of regular acupuncture and herbal medicine) will stop coming in for treatments to later find that the symptoms resurface again.  My advice is to stick with the course of treatment as menopause may take three to five years or more before it finally settles down and the balance and harmony within the body is achieved.


According to Chinese medicine, our lifestyles, diet and emotions can determine the severity of menopause symptoms.  By adopting some changes now, it can minimise symptoms and the transition into menopause smoothly.  Changes that we can do are:

Stress – avoid over working and spending long hours without any breaks or adequate rest in between.  By overworking this can consume your vitality and consume your reserve (Kidney Jing) leaving you feeling burned out way before you hit menopause.  This will have a huge impact on how well your body can handle and manage this transition.

Diet – adopt a moderate diet incorporating adequate protein, vegetables and grains.  Do enjoy a little naughty things in life. Savour each treats such as pastries, cakes, crisps in moderation.  I always advocate a moderate diet that encompasses different varieties of foods, including naughty food. Being too strict with your diet can also cause disharmony to the body.

Smoking – this should be avoided as it consumes and burns the vitality (Jing).  According to Cu Ci Shan (Qing dynasty): “Tobacco is pungent and drying, it burns Jing (Kidneys) and the Fluids, damages the throat, the Stomach and the Lungs… it enters the Heart orifice causing mental confusion as if one were drunk. It makes the tongue coating dark-yellow or black, food and drink have no taste, and the medical texts have no treatment for this.

Beverage – minimise or avoid black tea, coffee and alcohol.  These drinks are deemed Hot in nature.  By over consuming these beverages, it can add additional Heat into the body therefore exacerbating hot flushes and night sweats. Heat has the ability to dry fluids up. Fluids are considered Yin in nature which assist in nourishing our skin, lubricate the vaginal and supports the cooling function of the body.

Emotions – manage anxiety, fear and anger. These emotional factors that builds up over years can damage the vital organs that supports the smooth transition into menopause. These emotions can also consume reserve.

Menopause should not be something you should dread. It should be celebrated! By looking after your well-being and mental health at an early age, menopause can be empowering and to some extent liberating from what I have seen in my patients. Chinese medicine philosophy believe in preventative measures to avoid or minimise poor health outcomes. However, if you are in the midst of it all and made poor lifestyle choices, do not be dishearten. We can still work on rectifying and re-adjusting the body so that it becomes in harmony again. I encourage you to explore Chinese medicine to assist in managing your menopause symptoms by booking online for a consultation. I look forward in assisting your transition into menopause with ease.



Menopause is a natural progression in womanhood when the reproductive system begins to declined and menstrual blood stops permanently for twelve months. This transition leading up to the last period (peri-menopause) and into menopause can last between two to five years or sometimes more. The median age of menopause in industrialised country is fifty-one years old, peri-menopause symptoms can occur between forty-eight to fifty-five years old. However, certain circumstances may bring on early symptoms of peri-menopause for example:

  • women that never had children

  • smoking (studies have shown that smoking can cause early onset of menopause up to two years earlier than women that do not smoke)

  • chemotherapy or surgery that had removed both ovaries

  • other health problems (Dutta, C. & Joffe, H., 2019, Office of Women’s Health, USA)

Western medicine in Australia treat menopause using Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). It is an effective medication that can ease the transition into menopause however, there are some side effects such as the risk of blood clots, stroke and breast cancer (2019, Australasian Menopause Society).

From Chinese medicine perspective, women’s health has an important part in Chinese medicine for 700 years assisting women throughout their phases. There are seven phases of a women’s life, each within a seven year cycle (refer to info-graph below). Peri-menopause and menopause falls in the sixth and seventh phases of a women’s cycle. As written in the Classic of Suwen, age between 42 to 49, “… the face scorched all over” suggest the beginning of peri-menopause symptom of hot flushes. At the age of 49 and beyond, the extraordinary vessels that supports menstruation (Ren Mai and Chong Mai) is emptied and weaken and, Tian Gui (menstruation) is exhausted, the onset of menopause begins.


Main symptoms are:

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Hot flushes/flashes

However, there may be accompanying symptoms such as:

  • Sweating/Night sweating

  • Headache

  • Lethargy

  • Tiredness

  • Irritability/Emotional changes

  • Anxiety

  • Nervousness

  • Depression

  • Insomnia

  • Poor concentration

  • Weight gain

  • Diminished sexual desire, low libido

During peri-menopause phase, there may be symptoms of irregular periods with shorter or longer cycles, lighter or heavier flow and symptoms listed above due to fluctuation of estrogen and progesterone and to some certain extend, testosterone levels. These fluctuations from a Chinese medicine perspective is due to the imbalance of Yin and Yang and the decline in Kidney Jing. Can Chinese medicine and acupuncture ease the transition into menopause? Absolutely! To understand how we go about managing and assisting patient with peri-menopause and menopause, head to the next article ‘Menopause from a Chinese medicine perspective.’

Endometriosis - A Chinese Medicine Perspective

endometriosis chinese medicine acupuncture

Endometriosis is a condition in which the endometrium lining (interior lining of the uterus) is found outside of the uterine cavity causing inflammation, adhesion and cysts. It is estimated that endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women, which is 200 million women worldwide (1). It is one of the leading causes of school absences in teenager and per-teen girls, and days off work for adults. Endometriosis lesions can be found anywhere and is not limited to only outside the uterine cavity. Lesions can be found in ovaries, fallopian tubes, pelvic side walls (peritoneum), uterosacral ligaments, cul-de-sac, Pouch of Douglas, rectal-vaginal septum, bladder, bowel, intestines, colon and rectum (2).

The most common symptom associated with endometriosis is pain. For many women, having endometriosis is a lifetime challenge in managing symptoms which include but not limited to severe stabbing to dull pain before, during or throughout the menstrual cycle. Endometriosis can disrupt anatomic, hormonal and immunologic environment causing a variety of symptoms such as pelvic pain, dysmenorrhoea (painful period), painful intercourse, difficulty in bowel movements, painful urination, abdominal masses, ovarian cysts and infertility (3 & 4). Treatment for endometriosis are hormone therapy (Gonadotropin-releasing hormone medicine, oral contraceptive pill, Progesterone and progestin pill), pain medication (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDS) and surgery (laparoscopy) (5).

From Chinese medicine perspective, endometriosis falls under the category of Tong Jing (painful period) and Zheng Jia (abdominal masses). As there were no lab tests or ultrasound available back then, physicians of Chinese medicine relied on signs and symptoms, and abbominal palpation to aid in figuring out patterns of disharmony. In my clinic, I have seen a fair few of endometriosis patients. Majority were diagnosed with endometriosis and to some extend, patients that came in for severe period pain managements were told to have have test done by their doctor on the suspicion of endometriosis. Each patients are often presented with different qualities, presentations and location of pain together with other symptoms such as abdominal pain, constipation, bloating, anxiety, depression etc. There are six patterns associated with endometriosis and each patterns are managed differently through acupuncture and herbal medicine. The six patterns are (3):

  • Liver Blood Stasis - intense stabbing pain before or during period aggravated by pressure, hard and immovable abdominal masses on palpation, pain is generally relieved after passing clots. Menstrual blood is often dark brown with large clots and is often accompanied with mental restlessness

  • Damp-Heat - hypo-gastric pain before the period, sometimes during mid-cycle. There is a burning sensation extending to the sacrum. Menstrual blood is bright red with small or stringy clots with thick and sticky consistency

  • Blood Stasis due to Heat - intense, stabbing and possibly burning pain that may be constant or intermittent throughout the cycle. Pain is relieved by passing out clots. Menstrual cycle may be short with heavy bleeding of bright red blood and large clots. Accompanied symptoms are anger, headaches, insomnia and restlessness

  • Blood Stasis due to Cold - dull aching pain throughout the cycle and during period. Menstrual blood is dark red with clots, pain is aggravated with pressure and touch but is relieved with application of heat source such as hot water bottle or wheat bags. Accompanied symptoms are cold limbs, sensitivity and aversion to cold

  • Blood Stasis and Phlegm - chronic pain throughout the menstrual cycle becoming excruciating painful before and during the period. Menstrual bleed can be hesitant at the start becoming very heavy, sticky and clotted. There may be sticky and heavy vaginal discharge, poor digestion and tiredness

  • Kidney Yang Deficiency - painful period with abdominal pain relieved with pressure and heat. Menstrual blood is pale, watery and light. Accompanied symptoms are water retention and bloating before period, dizziness, frequent urination, low libido, feeling cold, lower back pain.

It is believed that 30-50% of women suffering from endometriosis are infertile. There are no evidences that suggest that a combination of medical-surgical treatments significantly enhances fertility (6). Current research on the efficacy of Chinese medicine and acupuncture of infertility due to endometriosis is sparse however, a questionnaire conducted during the World Congress of Integrative of Medicine and Health in 2017 with 133 patients, result had shown that 86.2% of endometriosis sufferers had used complementary procedures, of which 46.9% for the treatment of infertility. The most frequently used complementary therapy was Traditional Chinese Medicine (51.1%) and acupuncture (60.3%). It is suggested that further research and and randomized controlled studies to further investigate the effectiveness of complementary procedures are highly warranted (7).

Chinese medicine and acupuncture is very effective in managing endometriosis if you would like avoid hormone therapy or NSAIDS. It is also very effective in keeping the re-occurrence of endometriosis after a laparoscopy (there is no cure for endometriosis). If you would like to understand how Chinese medicine and acupuncture can help manage your endometriosis symptoms or if you are looking at fertility issues with regards to endometriosis, I would be happy to have a chat with you in my clinic. Simply book online for a FREE 15 minutes Complimentary Consult or book in for a consult and treatment today.


  1. About Endometriosis.

  2. What is Endometriosis?

  3. Wu, Y. et al. (2019). Female Infertility & Reproductive Gynaecology: A Comprehensive Clinical Manual of Integrated Chinese Medicine and Biomedicine. The Journal of Chinese Medicine Ltd. UK

  4. Vercellini, P. et al. (2014). Endometriosis: Pathogenesis and Treatment. Abstract from PMID:24366116.

  5. What are the treatments for endometriosis?

  6. Bulletti, C. et. al. (2010). Endometriosis and Infertility. PMID: 20574791.

  7. Grzanna, N et. al (2017). P62 Relevance and Acceptance of Naturopathic and Complementary Medicine in Women Suffering From Endometriosis

    World Congress of Integrative Medicine and Health: Part Two, Berlin, Germany. PMCID: PMC5498867.

Fertility series - Five Key Aspects from Chinese medicine perspective for Preconception Health


When you and your partner decides on when to start trying to have a baby, it is good to have an idea of your partner's and your health in check.  Here are 5 important aspects from Chinese medicine perspective for preconception health:

Cycle, Ovulation & Fertile mucous - It is important that your cycle is regular and there are signs of ovulation.  The appearance of substantial fertile mucous that is clear and stretchy resembling an egg white consistency preceding ovulation is an indication of your "peak day".  Fertile mucous acts like an alarm, alerting you to your most fertile days and, it facilitate the sperm's journey up the cervix aimed at getting these sperm inside the female reproductive tract well before the egg is released.  The egg is one of the shortest lived single cell in the body, its lifespan only last between 6 to 12 hours.  A simple tool such as a fertility app can help you monitor your cycle and body temperature to determine when ovulation occurs.  It also indicate your most fertile phase for intercourse and it keeps a log of your physical and mental health symptoms.

Emotions and mental health - Anxiety, depression or fear can affect your reproductive health.  In Chinese medicine, there is a connection between the Heart (Mental/Emotions) and the Kidney (Uterus).  It is said that when the Heart is happy, peaceful and tranquil, the function of the uterus would be harmonised.  Meaning ovulation would occur at the right time and the cycle is regulated.  Emotional well being and mental health is important to your partner as well.  This will impact on his sexual function and his ability to enjoy the journey with you.  Not only do you need to work on your physical health, emotional and mental health is equally as important in preconception health.

Nutrition and Nourishment - How you fuel your body can either enhance or deteriorate the function of your body.  Food influence your well-being, weight, energy levels and how you feel from a day to day basis.  By understanding that food is medicine that provides nutrition for your body, you can begin to nourish your body by changing the way you connect with food.  From a Chinese medicine perspective, we are encouraged to consume warm cooked meals and to stay away from cold and raw foods such as smoothies, cold and raw salads, poke bowls, protein shakes, and ice-cream.  Greasy, deep fried food, junk food, and overly spicy food are discouraged and the consumption of alcohol should be limited and cold beverages should be avoided.  This general principle is applied for preconception health.  It helps to keep the stomach and womb warm and well nourished, an important aspect in increasing the success rate of natural conception.

Lifestyle - Stress!  Most common issue that I constantly hear about during preconception consultation in my clinic.  In Chinese medicine, stress can cause Qi stagnation.  When Qi does not flow harmoniously, it disrupt the balance of Yin and Yang in the body.  Therefore, hindering the energetic Organs of the Liver, Spleen, Heart and Kidneys that aid in reproductive matters, to work on coping with stress rather than on conception affairs.  Begin by addressing what is the source of your stress, than take steps to either minimise or find strategies to manage that stress for example, reducing work load responsibilities, practice meditation or yoga, etc.  By tweaking and adjusting your lifestyle now will help you and your partner have a higher success rate in conceiving naturally.

Sexual function - Check in with each other.  Is there poor libido, premature ejaculation problems, performance issues or pain on sexual intercourse?  These are signs that suggest an imbalance in the body or a physical problem that can either be addressed with Chinese or western medicine.  It is best to address these issues as soon as possible because treatment to restore good healthy sexual function does take time.  Therefore, the sooner you get it checked out and treated, the quicker you can start trying for a baby.

The body is very resilient and copes with whatever we throw at it.  We also believe that the body can heal itself quickly.  As a practitioner, I would like to believe that this is the case for every body but we are all built and shaped differently.  If you and your partner would like to have a baby six months to a year down the road, I urge you to put your health and lifestyle as a priority now.  Changes on the physical, mental, emotional and cellular level takes time therefore, preconception health should be right at the top of your "To Do List".

Would like more information?

Dr Jacqueline's main focus of practice is fertility and women's health.  She is compassionate and understand the struggle and emotional strain a couple goes through natural fertility.  If you would like to discuss or understand how Chinese medicine can help with natural fertility, please BOOK ONLINE for a consultation.


Lyttleton, J. (2013). Treatment of Infertility with Chinese Medicine.

Image from Unsplash by Taylor Hernandez

Women's Health Series - PMS Menstrual Island

Menstrual Island

Does this island sound familiar?  I found this illustration rather amusing but yet it is something that is not funny either.  Countless of women that I know of, both friends and clients that I have treated can relate to Menstrual Island.   

In Chinese medicine, Menstrual Island is a sign that our body is not functioning the way it should and there are some elements of stagnation and imbalance in the system.  Where there is pain, there is stagnation;  where there is acne, there is heat in the Stomach and imbalance of the hormones and where there is bloating there is rebellious of the Stomach Qi.  There is also one experience that almost every women (or men) have encountered is premenstrual syndrome (PMS).  Irritability, moods swings, tearful, headaches, breast tenderness, misery and depression point towards what we call Liver Qi stagnation in Chinese medicine.  

The Liver governs every aspect of Qi.  It tells it where to move, which direction to go and stores the ethereal soul.  I like to think of the Liver as the General Manager of the body.  It manages each organs in terms of their function and movement.  When the General manager gets too stressed out, the rest of the system will begin to feel overwhelmed and does whatever it wants without any direction or aim.  Therefore, to avoid the Liver getting all worked-up, and to ensure minimal trips to Menstrual Island try to avoid:

  • A sedentary lifestyle - find ways to move eg. walk to work, take the stairs, do some form of exercise for 30 minutes
  • Constant stress from working, family life, studying and etc - try to aim for a balance lifestyle by doing some meditation or yoga, time-out for some 'me' time, time management to overcome stress
  • Poor diet consisting of spicy, fatty, processed, deep fried foods & take-aways - incorporate a daily dose of fresh vegetables and fruit into your diet, cut down on sugar (a little dark chocolate is ok if you need something sweet), prepare your own meals so you know what goes into it, and aim for simple meals with high nutrition and flavours

However, if symptoms persist or are getting out of control, Chinese medicine is great at sorting it out, even my gynecologist recommends and acknowledged that Chinese medicine has better outcomes than western medicine can do to help relief these symptoms.  So stop putting up with the misery, cramps, crankiness and bloating every month.  Give your body and yourself some kindness and relief from it today.

Want to learn more on how Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help to ease your PMS symptoms?

Come in either for a FREE 15 MINS COMPLIMENTARY CHAT or BOOK ONLINE with Dr Jacqueline for a treatment today.  Dr Jacqueline has a keen focus is in Women's Health and Gyneacology and have years of experience in treating problems affecting women during their menstrual cycle.  Whether to reduce the signs and symptoms of PMS, regulating irregular menstrual cycle for future pregnancy plans or painful periods, Dr Jacqueline will design an individualised treatment based on your diagnosis, targeting not only your symptoms but also the root cause of your symptoms.


Image used with permission from  Gemma Correl